Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Neat and Tidy

I have noticed that when I am stressed about something my house has to be neat or I get even more stressed out. With three kids it's not that easy to keep neat and tidy; my two girls are the hardest to keep clean after and it doesn't help that they don't pick up after themselves without me telling them 20 times.
One of the major things that stresses me out are the little nests that I build all over my house whenever I am doing something.  I have to put it away in the middle of the craft or sewing project.
It builds and builds and I have no spare counter top or my stairs are full of stuff that needs to go downstairs or upstairs.

Instead of getting overwhelmed, I pick an area or room, set the timer for 10 minutes, and I stick with cleaning it. You would be amazed how much you can get done if you focus on one thing for ten minutes.
Of course, you can't deep clean anything in ten minutes but you can:

clean off the stairs
scrub the toilet and sink
fold a load of towels
wipe down the counters and wipe down the appliances
make your bed and pick up all the clothes on the floor

Once I get started, it gets me motivated to do more than I started out wanting to do and afterwards, I feel good about my house and myself so there is no downside.
I usually clean the whole house Friday or Saturday, which means mopping, vacuuming and cleaning all the bathrooms, but during the week I just pick up and keep it neat. I also try to do a load of laundry a day but I still get stuck with tons of laundry on the weekend; that is a given with this many people.

My kids also have chores. That helps me a lot during the week because I would be so much busier if they didn't do their part.
These 10 minutes are the only reason that, at any given time, I can open the door to unexpected guests and not be ashamed or feel the need to make excuses for the state of my home. Of course, I wouldn't recommend eating off the floor; I'm quick but I'm not a miracle worker.

From the bottom up

In Germany our weather is weird because one day it's rainy and nasty and the next day it's hot as balls, and you can't stand the idea of wearing closed shoes. I am here to tell you that if your feet have not been readied for open shoe season. Please do everyone a favor and keep your shoes on.
There is nothing more disgusting than seeing someone with parmesan heels and dainty little shoes.
I don't get my feet done regularly here because it's not as convenient as it is in the States, and I can keep them pretty nice on my own.
I do walk barefoot a lot and and it's hard to get my feet clean so before I go to bed, I usually use a pumice stone on them so I can get off any dry skin. The stone also takes care of the grass stains and whatever else turned my feet black after walking on them all day.

Pumice stones are really cheap so you should change them pretty often, because once they get smooth you can toss them and they do get nasty after a while.

Getting ready for Sandal Season
Pumice stone
Foot peeling
Nail polish

This is my favorite nail polish in the world. Not only does it cover well but the colors are gorgeous and the polishes are really affordable.

I like to put lotion on my feet when I am laying in bed because I don't like to slip and slide all over the floor and get hair and fuzzies stuck to my feet (Yuck).  I can put it on as thick as I want.
I am not usually too picky about what I put on my feet. I just use whatever moisturizer I have laying around, as long as my feet are smooth, and pretty and ready for some sandals.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

5 Reasons Social Media has Made my Life Better

Recently, there has been a video going around the web about how you should put down your phone and pay attention to what is going on around you. To tell you the truth it pretty much annoyed me. I don't feel like having a phone is ruining my conversation skills; I think they actually make me nicer.
I hate talking on the phone and I am usually short and rude on the phone, unless I really don't have anything else I would rather be doing and then I will talk for longer than 3 sentences.

1) I am nicer when I write things on whatsapp or whatever form of communication I choose. I have to think about what I am going to say before I write it so I don't call someone a motherforking douche and misspell it.
I do believe that the same rule applies for messages that if you don't have anything nice to say then shut your piehole, the internet is not your shield it doesn't make you invisible and it doesn't give you the right to bully or be a jerk.

2) I take so many more pictures of my kids which is something I didn't do when I had to take the film to be developed and worried about people stealing pictures of my kids or of taking 36 pictures and none of them turning out.

3) I read a shit ton of books like outrageous amounts of books and it was always a very expensive habit and trying to figure out what to do with the books afterwards was always a pain because how many times are you going to read a Nora Roberts paperback? I would give boxes of books away and now that I have the kindle app on my ipad I can get any book I want at any time for a less money the only downside is that I really like reading in the bathtub and that is not a good idea with the ipad.

4) I am able to keep up with friends that I had 20 years ago with no effort even if it just to find out they beat a level on candy crush.

5) With all the filters and extra doodads that you can use for your photos I can now make myself look like I got a full nights sleep and didn't eat 4 pieces of toast for breakfast.

By the way the photo apps that I use are: CandyCam, A Beautiful Mess, Picsart

Monday, May 19, 2014

My favorite songs till now

I love music I have said it again and again I like to learn about new artists and keep up with different kinds of Genres and to say my taste in tunes is eclectic is the understatement of the century but there are a few songs that I always turn up when I hear them and I sing along.

1.) Phil Collins: Against all Odds
I love this song I love the album it was on and he was one of my favorite artists till he only made shitty Disney songs

2.) Elton John: Tiny Dancer
Ditto on the shitty Disney music

3.) Reba Macentire: Fancy
It's a song about a prostitute but a charming one

4.) Mister Mister: Broken Wings
I think I really like this because it was the first music video I saw that my brother had video taped from MTV it always reminds me of that, and its a good song

5.) NKOTB: Please don't go girl
Sappy gooey goodness from my teenage years that I remember, also that I caught a girls arm hair on fire at a NKOTB concert. Ah the memories

6.) U2: With Or Without You
1997 open air Solider field, Chicago one of the greatest moments in my life

7.) Lita Ford & Ozzy Osbourne: If I close my eyes forever
Awesome ballad, makes me want to roll around on the floor on leather pants

8.) Tears for Fears feat. Oleta Adams: Woman in chains
 Very few songs can top this

9.) Kate Bush: This woman's work
Beautiful Voice with wonderful Lyrics

10.) Womak & Womak: Teardrops
I always turn this way up

11,) Jamiroquai: Little L
Best cruising music

12.) Paula Abdul : Straight up
I know her voice is tinny and weak but when this song came out I almost killed myself dancing to it in my room. I'm not kidding, I kicked my leg up so high I knocked the other one from under me and slammed into the floor knocking myself out.

So what are your favorites?

Saturday, May 3, 2014